- Biblioteket Västmanlands sjukhus Västerås -

AO principles of fracture management. Vol. 1, Principles / Thomas P Rüedi, Richard E Buckley, Christopher G Moran

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextPublication details: Stuttgart : Thieme, 2007Edition: 2., expanded edDescription: xxii, 555 s. : ill. + DVD-ROMISBN:
  • 978-3-13-117442-0
Other title:
  • Principles of fracture management
Subject(s): Other classification:
  • Vfo
Item type Current library Call number Status Notes Date due Barcode Item holds
Bok eller småtryck Ortopedi Västerås Vfo Ej för utlån Ex 11 tmp-1039806
Total holds: 0

Clip2MM 2016-03-15